Why outsource your company’s logistics?

logistics operators

Many companies start with relatively small-scale warehousing and transport operations and naturally manage their logistics in-house. But there comes a time when working with an outsourced logistics partner becomes more than an option, but a necessity. This may be due to increased complexity, rapid sales growth or the addition of new distribution channels.

Is it time to consider working with a logistics specialist?

Cost efficiency

It is not advisable to hold your business responsible for the cost and hassle of solving your logistics needs. There are many professional service providers who can meet your diverse needs by providing warehouse space, state-of-the-art equipment and also transport.Professional warehouse management providers have the space and resources to store your inventory in a secure and organised manner.

Order management

Today’s consumers are more than impatient and demanding. Delays due to stock shortages, production bottlenecks or delivery delays are not an option. If you are late in delivering one or two orders, your customer may contemplate taking their business to a competitor.

Outsourcing can help avoid supply chain bottlenecks and delivery delays. Most 3PL companies have an impressive list of carriers that will deliver on weekends if you need to meet an urgent deadline, a particularly valuable service for e-commerce logistics.

Unbeatable resources

A top-notch third-party logistics provider will have a large network of resources. When you consider the use of a good 3PL provider’s network of resources, it indicates that all steps in the supply chain will be carried out efficiently.

Risk reduction

When you start relying on the expertise of a reputable 3PL provider, it does not allow you to make mistakes. Rather, it allows you to focus on building a global logistics network with little risk. It even ensures a great return on investment – what more could you ask for?AdjustableLeading third-party logistics service providers own not only the warehouse space, but also the transport. They also have the ability to increase their (logistics-related) requirements as your business starts to grow.
Does your company offer a seasonal product, or do you have regular sales? Whatever the reason, a reliable supplier will make the necessary adjustments to your needs accordingly.


A 3PL provider makes a significant investment in technology as well as software that may not be accessible to a small business. It also has state-of-the-art technology to meet all your needs.

Industry expertise

A professional third-party logistics provider keeps abreast of industry best practices. In fact, they are up to date with every latest development in third-party logistics including technology as well as manufacturing.

Why outsource your company’s logistics?

There are several factors to consider when looking for an external service provider to outsource your supply chain management needs. To get the most value from your investment, you should choose a company that has the capacity, experience and expertise to effectively manage your current and future needs.

Outsourcing to a provider such as FR Logistics can help you achieve operational maturity, healthy inventory levels and better meet customer demands. Not only will you benefit from increased customer satisfaction, but you’ll also reduce operating costs and improve your company’s bottom line.

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