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What is picking and packing in logistics? What are the differences?

logistics operators

For a warehouse to function correctly, it is essential to understand how two of the most important operations work: picking and packing. But do you know exactly what they consist of and what the differences are between the two? We tell you everything in the following article.

What is picking in logistics?

Picking is the process of preparing orders, the objective of which is to optimize time in order to guarantee effectiveness. In fact, it consists of:

  • Pre-planning: this step is vital to determine which products need to be shipped and what material will be needed for them.
  • Displacement: the route to be taken to go to the place where the product is stored, as well as the subsequent return to the workstation.
  • Collection: collection of the product using the corresponding resources.
  • Checking: the order must be checked and prepared for dispatch, making sure that everything is in order.

What is packing in logistics?

Packing refers to the process of packing and packaging products before they are shipped. Among the tasks involved in this process are:

  • Selection of the container and optimization of the packaging: it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the product, i.e. the weight and size, as well as its fragility.
  • Checking: this step consists of checking to detect any errors that may have occurred during picking in good time.
  • Labelling: before shipment, all packages must be labelled. These labels must contain the order number and the shipping address. In addition, in some situations, the tracking code must also be included. 

Relationship between picking and packing

Although the two processes are distinct, they are completely complementary, as they are executed consecutively. In other words, there can be no packing without picking. The problem lies in the fact that, sometimes, the limits between the two are not correctly defined and, consequently, efficiency is lost. 

How to make picking and packing efficient?

As these two processes are absolutely essential in logistics, it is vitally important that the company carries out a strategy in which they are well defined. To do this, it is best to follow the following advice:

Reduce movements and touch points

The fewer the movements and handling, the more efficient it will be. To achieve this, the following tips can be applied:

  • Have picking software that lists all the orders to be picked, according to their location and dispatches.
  • Check that the picking stations have the necessary equipment and packaging material.

Picking efficiency

Just like the environment in which we live, logistics is also constantly changing, so we must be able to adapt to new methods and technologies to improve quality. Establish different metrics and KPIs to know the status of the operations carried out in the warehouse, so that efficiency is always the most optimal.

Process automation

Both picking and packing are two processes that can be automated. Something that must undoubtedly be taken into consideration to save time and money, and to make the entire logistics process effective.

Importance of packing and picking

As you have seen, both processes are indispensable for logistics warehouses. Discover the benefits of contracting a logistics operator that allows you to focus on your core business and with which you will save costs and time. 

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